Leanne feels like an ‘Energizer bunny’ after completing an incredible transformation at Ultimate Performance Sydney.

Happy, healthy and full of energy, Leanne is now in the best shape of her life at 46.

This is a far cry from how she felt just 15 weeks earlier.

Leanne was stuck in a rut. She trained six days a week, but nothing she was doing in the gym was working, and she lost all motivation.

Her weight kept creeping up and up, and she didn’t feel happy or comfortable in her own clothes.

She knew she needed help to get back on track, and at U.P. Sydney, that’s exactly what she got with her expert personal trainer.


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Now, after 15 weeks, she is in stunning shape, passionate about training once again and back in control of her diet. Her husband and children are thrilled with the huge transformation she has made.

“I feel amazing! It happened so quickly that sometimes I forgot what I looked like during the process.

“So far I have lost over 7kg and 8% body fat, which is more than my initial goal. Week-on-week, more and more people notice.

“My husband loves it and my kids love having a super fit and active mum.”

“I have even had a stranger stop me on the street and ask me where I train and what do I do to have such toned arms.”

Rewind just a few weeks, and it was a different story for Leanne.

Leanne wasn’t happy with her body and was stuck in a cycle of eating clean and then overindulging that was getting her nowhere.

“I hated choosing clothes to wear each morning and stuck to the same few black outfits.

“My job was my number one priority and I had no balance in my life.

“I was in a real rut of working long hours Monday to Friday, eating out and drinking wine all weekend and then regretting it on Monday morning, but starting the whole cycle again and repeating it week after week.”

This lifestyle was holding her back. No matter how many sessions she did at the gym, she couldn’t make the changes she wanted to her body, and it was getting her down.

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“My weight had slowly crept up over the previous 5-6 years and had got to a point where I was really unhappy with my appearance.

“I was going to the gym 5-6 days per week and eating healthily during the week, but I had no structure or direction and was just aimlessly doing cardio classes and my own weight training.

“I didn’t find my gym sessions motivating anymore and was just going through the paces with zero results.

“It literally just got to a point where I decided I needed to do something definitive and that I needed help with it.”

The challenge of a body transformation was just what she needed to get herself out of the rut.

Leanne says it was simple, but it wasn’t easy. And there were challenges along the way that she had to overcome.

“The first few weeks were tough in many ways. I had a personal setback really early on finding out my father had cancer.

“This normally would have been an instant excuse to go home and have a glass of wine to make myself feel better.

“Instead, I used this to further motivate me to clean up my act and appreciate that I was in control of many aspects of my own health.”

Leanne had always loved exercise. But her training had gone stale.

Working towards a specific goal with an expert trainer to motivate her ignited the spark for training again.

“The training is the best bit. My training sessions with my trainer, Alex, are the absolute highlight of my week. It doesn’t matter how I am feeling at the start of my session, I always leave with a smile on my face and a huge feeling of accomplishment.

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“There is no better feeling than a PB on deadlifts and the whole body rush that you get after completing that final set.

“I absolutely love being pushed to my limit and seeing the gains in my strength, fitness and the physical definition in my body that has come from training properly.”

Training with this passion and intensity three times a week and perfecting her nutrition really produced spectacular results.

Yes, Leanne has lost over 7kg, but the biggest change has been in the way she feels about herself.

“I feel like the Energizer Bunny every day, and people do often comment about my endless amounts of energy and positiveness.

“My priorities have completely changed and my health and fitness are absolutely number one now.

“Workwise, I have set boundaries around the hours that I do. I still had to deal with work functions, but these became fun and now I look forward to getting dressed up for these events and knowing that I look amazing.

“My whole wardrobe has had to have a makeover and I have a new favourite pastime in shopping for clothes.”

What started as a modest goal to lose weight and feel better had turned into an incredible new lifestyle for Leanne.

“I initially signed up for a short term transformation but the experience has not only been a body transformation but also a complete mind overhaul and I am staying on permanently.

“There is still so much to learn and achieve. Not only am I physically stronger, but the mental strength and clarity that I have gained are also amazing.

“I know there is a whole movement out there about body positivity but for me, this transformation has been the most life positive thing I have done – body, mind, health, lifestyle.”


Leanne finally feels as though she has balance in her life again, and she’s fitter and stronger now than she ever would have imagined – Arrange a consult at U.P. now by filling in the enquiry form below. 


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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